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Leading for the Future

Leading for the Future

How do we create sustainable value for all? What is the role of business leaders? Do boards and top managers have responsibilities other than the bottom line, and do they have the skills and mind-sets required to thrive in the 21st century?

As the debate around business with purpose and a longer-term perspective heats up, we look forward to welcoming you to a conference on power, profit and purpose. The objective is to exchange knowledge, thoughts and opinions on the roles, skills and mind-sets future corporate leaders should have.

At this major conference we meet the Norwegian Minister of Trade and Industry, Iselin Nybø, Johan H. Andresen, Jens Ulltveit-Moe, Nina Jensen, Remi Eriksen, Camilla Hagen Sørli, and Tone Lunde Bakker, but also a number of interesting and internationally recognized lecturers, such as Dr. Mervyn King from South Africa, one of the world’s leading experts on Corporate Governance and author of the acclaimed “King Report on Corporate Governance”.

For any questions about this event, contact Turid Solvang.

As a supporting partner, Oslo Shipowners’ Association is delighted to offer a special rate to their members. The reduced fee per ticket is NOK 3,990 + VAT. Contact Tom O. Kleppestø to receive the promotional code.

Ordinary fee per ticket: NOK 4,990 + VAT

Group tickets:
5 tickets at a total price of NOK 20,000 + VAT
10 tickets total price of NOK 35,000 + VAT

Buy tickets here


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