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Norges Rederiforbund Rådhusgata 25, Oslo, Norway
NOK 6,900
Sustainability and innovation in the ocean industries
Norges Rederiforbund Rådhusgata 25, Oslo, Norway
Studentinnovasjon for havnæringene
Norges Rederiforbund Rådhusgata 25, Oslo, NorwayKjære medlemmer av Ocean Industry Forum Oslofjord (OIFO) Godt nytt år! Vi starter det nye året med å gjenta invitasjonen vi sendte dere 12. desember, til en studenthackathon der dere…
Ocean Industry Leadership (OIL) 2025
Oslo Oslo, NorwayFuture Leaders in the Maritime and Ocean Industries
Ocean Industry Leadership (OIL) 2025
Trondheim Trondheim, NorwayFuture Leaders in the Maritime and Ocean Industries
Ocean Industry Leadership (OIL) 2025
Oslo Oslo, NorwayFuture Leaders in the Maritime and Ocean Industries
Ocean Industry Leadership (OIL) 2025
London London, United KingdomFuture Leaders in the Maritime and Ocean Industries